Fire Scrying (Divination) tools with Four Nations Coalition of Indigenous Medicines

“Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth” (HOHE) is an Indigenous healing program for women that had
its conception in fall of 2019 and is continuing its classes due to popular demand. In these
tumultuous times learning these ancient Indigenous skills to see deeper into conflictual situations or
confusing directives lens a broader framework from which to make sound decisions with confidence.
There are many spiritual tools we can all learn to get clear messages from our Ancestors and the
Earth. The more tools we have, the better chance we have of making healthy, holistic and
responsible decisions that are life sustaining. These times of COVID 19 and the climate emergency
call for it. HOHE has one more class this semester and then will continue in the spring of 2021. For
information on our program please visit our website at:

There’s also a pandemic of fear and confusion going on giving humanity an opportunity to shift to a higher consciousness 🤗
There’s also a pandemic of fear and confusion going on giving humanity an opportunity to shift to a higher consciousness 🤗