Earth Culture Camps

Earth Culture Camps are filled with action packed programming that keeps kids and families fully engaged!
Camp programs feature activities such as archery, soapstone carving, a challenge course, explorations of a Sinixt archeology site, a honey bee observation hive, wild crafting foods and medicines, natural dyes, making your own natural art supplies, our amazing tribal challenge game and so much more! Everyone welcome! Located at the Four Nations Outdoor Center in Vallican, BC.
Summer camps for kids, youth and families run through July and August.
Spring Break camps run in March.
Look for our new and upcoming residential kids/family camps!
Phone 250-226-6702 for to register
Summer Camps 2018:
Family Camp-out July 13th-15th
Join us for a nice relaxing family camp out with fun activities for all ages, First Nations stories around the camp-fire, bannock bakes, games and fun!
Ages: Kids and adults of all ages
Fee: $100.00/family (up to 4 people)
Overnight Camps for Kids and Youth:
Youth Leadership Across Nations
Ages 15-19
July 21-25
Earth Culture Kids Camp
Ages 7-12
July 23-25