Wellness Programs
The journey to health is written on our hearts, in our DNA, in the faith of those that love us and can see our truest potential, even when we are blind to it ourselves. It is written in our spirits, encoded by the Creator, ensuring we are provided with the gifts, the talent, the power and the assistance needed to overcome obstacles on our joyous paths.
Wellness happens when we are in harmonious balance with our thoughts, feelings, bodies and spirits as well as our environment and others. When we are able to co-create healthy relationships, and contribute to our community in meaningful ways that fuel our gifts and passions, and when we feel connected to something greater than ourselves.
At Four Nations we offer a variety of creative avenues that support you in awakening to your most vibrant self. We are here to serve during all of life’s most profound transformations!
Ceremonies offered for individual and group healing:

Prepping the fire for our inipi (stone people lodge) ceremony. We enter the lodge to pray for the continuation of all life and to request that the Creator recreates our minds, bodies, spirits and emotions. We also offer other types of prayer/healing/purification ceremonies.
Individualized Shamanic Healing Services

Individualized Healing Sessions with Kathryn McCooeye:
Do you have an illness and/or injury that just does not heal? Do you feel a need to get guidance in discovering what the source or origin of your ailment is? Most times our injuries/illnesses are the physical manifestation of an imbalance in our minds, bodies, spirits and/or emotions. Unresolved trauma from this lifetime or previous ones, can create an energetic blueprint or landing pad for ailments to manifest.
Guidance and support from a Shaman or Indigenous trained Medicine Practitioner will help you identify the original trauma at the base of your ailment, and in fact help you disarm the trauma, creating healing in your mind, body, spirit and emotions. This support works nicely and enhances your work in other physical therapies you may be engaged in such as chiropractic care, naturopathic care, massage etc. This is a pathway to Holistic Healthcare.
Here are a few of the interventions I can offer you towards successfully recreating your life, happiness and health: (this is not an exhaustive list, so please do not hesitate to ask questions. If you need a service that I do not offer, then I can refer you to someone who can).
Identifying Your Path Of Destiny
Do you forget who you are and what you’re here to do? Let us help you move more into alignment with the Creator, illuminating the Path before you; and awakening your Sacred Purpose for being here. Join us on this exciting journey!
Soul Fragment Retrieval– calling our spirits back
When we experience trauma of a physical or emotional nature, very often small fragments of our spirit splinter and break away. We feel as though we have lost a part of ourselves.
It is much like a computer losing a software program, in that we lose some of our power, memories, knowledge and health. I am trained to sing back the lost soul fragments and reinstate them back into the body in a healed state.
Intrusive Energy Extraction
Dense or heavy energies can sometimes intrude upon our Luminous Body (auric field) and chakras. These energies are often aspects of deceased relatives or friends who are stuck between the worlds and have attached to a loved one because they don’t know how to get Home.
Other energies can be less benevolent than a lost relative and can cause us great suffering in our minds, bodies and spirits. I am trained to extract these types of energies in a gentle, compassionate manner.
Energetic Self Care and Spiritual Protection or Healers, Community Service Workers and Caregivers
Those of us working in the service industries require constant and effective self-care in order to prevent illness and burn-out. Cleansing the Luminous Body and chakra system revives our physical energy level as well as restoring our natural, resilient emotional buoyancy. We are again able to feel joy, inspiration and hope for the future. It is our sacred responsibility to our clients to take care of ourselves, and we all need help with it. Book a group workshop for your workplace or friends.
Matter = Energy! Does energy affect the physical body? You bet!
Investment in your health: $150.00 for a 90 minute session
Sliding scale starting at $120.00 available to: elders, seniors, Indigenous folk and other underprivileged people. I do my best to keep this service affordable to as many people as I can and still pay for studio space etc.
Book a free half hour consult with me at fournationscoalition@gmail.com or phone: 250-551-6255
“Kathryn brings to us ancient healing interventions, born in the rainforests and mountains of her indigenous teachers. She adds to this knowledge, a good dose of human compassion, humility and humour.”
“When I first came to see this Medicine Women, I had just had a heart attack and my doctor said I was poised for another one. Within five sessions my doctor instructed me to go off my heart medication and get on with my life!”
“My life had no reason; no purpose. I had lost sight of who I am and what I’m here to do. I felt so lost and worthless. Working with Kathryn, I recaptured parts of me that I had long forgotten existed…passionate, creative parts of me that love life. My life is now so full and rich with a renewed sense of self value, sacred purpose & meaning!”
Online Healing Our Pain Group Program
(Customized for Your Nation)
8 week online Indigenous healing program, where participants meet once a week for 3 hours via Zoom or in person. A Nation’s Health and Wellness Centre can contract us to customize this content specifically your Nation and members. Participants will learn principles and practices of ancient Indigenous Ways of Knowing, exploring the commonality of healing practices of Indigenous peoples around the world. Traditional healing knowledge that is specific to each host nation (that purchases this educational package) may be presented by their own Elders and traditional Knowledge Keepers. In addition, the host Nation will be supported in embedding their own language into the class curriculum.
Using a virtual hands-on teaching model, participants will create one medicine tool per class:
- Learn how to make your own cedar smudge stick
- Construct a leather medicine bag
- Carve and decorate your own cedar prayer/intention stick to help manifest your good prayers
- Create charcoal/salt bundle with which to wipe the heavy energy of grief off yourself and family members
- Experience increased positive self-esteem around being an Indigenous person
- Learn about plant medicines to boost immune systems and prevent flus and colds
- Learn quantum(spiritual) principles to manifest a healthy and good life for yourself and family
This healing program focusses on cultural and language reclamation as a foundation thru which to help heal individuals, communities and nations. While we deal with serious issues in this program, we also share laughter, stories and mutual encouragement while working to change our lives. Cultural and personal pride replace shame and has been proven to help diminish and prevent:
- Addictions
- Self-harm and Suicide
- Domestic violence
- Poverty
- Family/Community conflict
- Disease stemming from poor diet and substance abuse
- Help people dealing with chronic or long-term health issues
While we deal with serious issues in this program, we also share laughter, stories and mutual encouragement while working to change our lives.
For a free consult about contracting Four Nations to bring this program to your community either in person or digitally, contact Kat McCooeye by email or phone 250-551-6255
Testimonials for our group healing programs
“When I am in class with all of you, I don’t feel like dying.”-19 yr old Indigenous youth
“Healing Our Pain class is something I look forward to every week. With all the people dying in our nation, it helps me to have a healing space to look forward to.” Gitxsan Elder
“These healing programs that Four Nations are facilitating is doing nothing short of saving lives. These programs are a prayer answered and a dream come true. Thank you so much for what you’re doing.” -Gitxsan Elder