This short video explains a little about what we do and how we do it.

At the Four Nations Coalition of Indigenous medicines we are dedicated to offering teachings and services that enhance all people’s connection to nature, their creators and each other. We want the world to be beautiful, vibrant and healthy for many generations to come, and we want to co-create that beautiful world with you!

Fun and learning are synonymous at the Four Nations Outdoor Education Center, however some things we do more for the pure joy of it and the motivation is simply to have fun. (We notice that sometimes the best learning happens at times like these, but shhh… don’t tell anyone!)

Wellness happens when we are in harmonious balance with our thoughts, feelings, bodies and spirits as well as our environment and others. When we are able to co-create healthy relationships, and contribute to our community in meaningful ways that fuel our gifts and passions, and when we feel connected to something greater than ourselves.